Be vulnerable ;)

Heyy ! 

Yes I’m back to this corner in blogging world, Sorry for not being much active here.

Okay, let’s get started with today’s post.

Well, I’m gonna give you a little advice.

Please, tell someone you like their art, paint someone a picture of them to show them how beautiful they are, write someone a poem or a song, apologise to someone if you’ve done something wrong, or just regularly tell someone that you love them.

Because telling someone you love them, showing someone you care, whether or not you know them deeply, personally, or even at all, sets a happy foundation, where being happy can grow from, and then we’ll all have Happy Trees together. And just because it’s difficult, or complicated, or messy, doesn’t mean for a second that it’s not worth it.
Christmas and new year are good occasion to do this. So, send them a text. Do it. Go on. Be vulnerable in a small way. 😉

55 Life Tips To Become A Better Man

​55 Life Tips to Become a Better Man

  1. Drink your coffee black
  2. Never go back to an old love
  3. Remember names
  4. Don’t burn bridges
  5. Exercise everyday
  6. Read more
  7. Always have your wallet
  8. Pay with cash
  9. Never go dutch
  10. Be the last one to sit down
  11. Make eye contact
  12. Maintain eye contact
  13. Okay look away too much eye contact
  14. Don’t drink alone
  15. Don’t be the ‘drunk guy’
  16. Don’t be judgmental
  17. Walk slower
  18. Talk slower
  19. Eat slower
  20. Pay off your debt ASAP
  21. Build an emergency fund
  22. Get over your fear of public speaking
  23. Drink more water
  24. Give women more flowers
  25. Find a sport or hobby you enjoy
  26. Do it at least once a week
  27. Live in the present, but plan for the future
  28. Develop a code to live by
  29. Recite it every day
  30. Be good at cooking at least one dish
  31. Don’t belittle people
  32. Listen more, talk less
  33. Think more, act less
  34. Be comfortable with silence
  35. Learn the art of the handshake
  36. Smile more
  37. Tell the people you love that you love them
  38. Talk to your mom once a week
  39. Spend time alone
  40. Get up before 8 every morning
  41. Don’t doubt yourself
  42. Remove “I can’t” from your vocabulary
  43. Accept mistakes as something to learn from
  44. Tell yourself you’re happy
  45. Believe that you’re happy
  46. Be a romantic
  47. Pick your battles
  48. Build your willpower
  49. Always keep promises
  50. Be confident
  51. Be a man of your word
  52. Be a man of character
  53. Have morals
  54. Have goals
  55. Enjoy your life

Rise Above The Obstacles !

What do you and 31 year old billionaire Elizabeth Holmes have in common?

Right now, Elizabeth Holmes is under attack. Not by her customers or investors, but by the press and the US government. 
She started her company, Theranos, when she was 19. It’s now worth $9 billion and has made her the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world. How? Because her company helps people check their blood easily in pharmacies at a fraction of the cost a hospital will charge.
Elizabeth’s a big threat to the medical industry because she’s openly saying “Health care is the leading cause of bankruptcy, and the lack of it is the leading cause of suffering.” If she succeeds in making blood tests cheap and easy, they lose control of your medical data and wallets. We take control.
So one thing has led to another, and in October the Wall Street Journal ran a mud-slinging piece on Elizabeth and her company, quoting ‘unnamed sources’ who say her tests aren’t all accurate. Now the rest of the press is on the bandwagon and Elizabeth is fighting back, saying “”We’ve seen two articles that were false, and immediately everyone reprints it as if it were true.”
Have you noticed all success stories have a big road bump in the middle, when the establishment or dark forces turn against the hero? 
Are you in a similar situation where everything seems against you? 
It’s happened to everyone from Bill Gates to Oprah Winfrey, from Mark Zuckerberg to Marissa Mayer, from Mahatma Ghandi to Mother Theresa, from Luke Skywalker to Katniss Everdeen. 
Each have had a darkest hour, which has also become their defining moment.
It’s now happening to Elizabeth Holmes and maybe right now it’s also happening to you or someone you know. 
Mythologist and scholar, Joseph Campbell, calls it part of the “Hero’s Journey”. He showed that every culture told the story of the hero – how we must follow a journey with the same “Three Acts” to reach our true greatness:
In “Act 1 – The Departure” we follow the ‘call to adventure’. We start a business, or take on a new challenge, which leads us into unfamiliar territory and internal struggles.
In “Act 2 – The Initiation” we meet the ‘road of trials’. We are tested by external demons and dragons to see if we are up to the task. We need to be strong enough to stand tall and humble enough to seek the help of others.
This is where Elizabeth is right now. Most don’t make it through the road of trials, and give up. They never reach the prize – which is to rise above these obstacles to become the very best version of ourselves. 

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” ~ Joseph Campbell

In “Act 3 – The Return” once we make it through the trials, comes resurrection and rebirth. We then return to where we began, with far greater power and wisdom to share with others.This is all our journeys: It’s your journey. It’s my journey. We’re all in this together.

Get strength from the journeys of amazing entrepreneurs like Elizabeth’s. They’re unfolding in real time right in front of us. Keep hanging in their, and know you’re not alone.

Your Network Is Your Net Worth 

​How valuable is your network? The Paypal Mafia is an extreme example of the phrase “your network is your net worth”.

When eBay bought Paypal in 2002, the founders of Paypal had an average age of 30. With the opportunity to go out and start again, they decided to stay in touch and share their strategies, experiences and connections as they launched their next businesses.
The result? 

Elon Musk launched Space X and Tesla (Now worth $30 billion+)

Reid Hoffman founded LinkedIn (Now worth $25 billion+)

Peter Thiel launched Palantir (Now worth $20 billion+)

Steve Chen and Chad Hurley founded Youtube (Sold to Google for $1.65 billion)

David Sacks launched Yammer (Sold to Microsoft for $1.2 billion)

Russel Simmons and Max Levchin launched Yelp (Now worth $1.6 billion+)

Dave McClure founded 500 Startups (Invested in 1,300+ companies)

Premal Shah became president of Kiva (Crowdfunded 1 million+ microloans)
The founders sold Paypal for $1.5 billion 13 years ago, but as a result of sharing their journeys after that, they now have a combined net worth of over $20 billion. 
Between them, they have created 7 billion dollar companies and invested in many more, generating over $100 billion in market value.
Supporting each other was the intention from the beginning. As Peter Thiel recalls, “When we started PayPal, I remember one of the early conversations I had with Max was that I wanted to build a company where everybody would be really great friends and, no matter what happened with the company, the friendships would survive.”
Your success will be determined not by how much you want to be successful, but by how many of the right people you connect around you who want you to be successful.
Your network is your net worth.
What can you do today to improve your network? 

What can you do to add more value to the one you’re in? 

How can you grow network value everywhere you go?
Today we live in a networked world. So thinking about growing network value is more important than ever. As Reid Hoffman says, “In the Networked Age, we’re all like the little kid from The Sixth Sense. If you’re not seeing networks when you enter a room, you might want to check your pulse.”